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Computer Says No – Enfant Terrible (Pawlacz Perski)

Published November, 2016
by Easterndaze

Pawlacz Perski is a Warsaw-based label that embodies the sprawling cassette underground by releasing genre-less music, a luxury allowed by running a tape label without having to worry about flogging products and targeting audiences. Their latest – 37th! – release comes courtesy of the inanely titled Computer Says No project by Jakub Pokorski. The music is raw and direct – stylistically coming from the analogue, hardware world of proto/post/techno in the vein of Diagonal or L.I.E.S. Muddy, experimental, uncanny, hovering somewhere in the the alternative corners of dance music nurtured in noise clubs. Track titles – as arbitrary as they are in instrumental music – are also noteworthy: there’s Grab and Reform, Refugees, Coup d’etat, President Says Yes, Folk Revolution. Media headlines are creeping into our subconscious and taking over our creative head/spaces. The cliche about anxious times correlation with anxious music could be applied, but then again, who wants to listen to happy music these days/ever. 

Enfant Terrible [ppt37] by Computer Says No