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Piotr Kurek takes us for an audio ride in Lyon

Published June, 2012
by Easterndaze

Piotr Kurek is one of the most fascinating emitters of ear-pleasing compositions that we have come across. The Warsaw-based musician recontextualizes his aural inspirations ranging from tropicalia, US psychedelia or Polish jazz into singular results. His latest album, the warmly received and now sold out Heat, is out on Digitalis

We have asked Piotr, who is currently in France, to send us his audio diary, a snapshot of his momentary environment. He sent us a documentation of his journey to a concert in Lyon. Supposedly simple, but when you delve in, it sucks you in, a vertigo, an acousmatic trip. 

Listen to our Radio Wave (Vychodiska, our show on this Czech Radio station, is on every Wednesday at 11:20 and 16:20)  interview with Piotr about his musical beginnings, his acclaimed album Heat and Warsaw.