Signals2Noise festival: A radiophonic marathon comes to Berlin on 4 October!
Published September, 2024
by Easterndaze

S2N gathers some of the most interesting artists, performers and speakers working with community radios from across Eastern, Central and Northern Europe. Curated and hosted by Cashmere Radio and Easterndaze, S2N has emerged from several years of discursive and creative online collaboration with community radios from across Europe.
Contributions from 16 community radios and guest curators provide a rich and diverse program of live music, performance, DJ sets, installations, radiophonic works, talks, screenings and workshops all exploring various facets of community radio art, aesthetics and practice.

In our first announcement we highlighted guest contributions from artistic researchers Tentative Transmits, GDR and Eastern European underground expert Alexander Pehlemann, poet and sound sculptress AGF, musician and LOM label runner Jonáš Gruska and radiophonic artist and activist Niki Matita, as well as networks Reset and ICRN.
Here is a little taster of what’s to come.
Curated by Radio Kapitał from Warsaw, Immortal Wojtechnique is one of the aliases of Wojtek Szustak – a Kraków-based synth artist and radio maker, who some 3 years ago started constructing a double tape deck for DJ-ing and scratching. It’s a bit of a ‘eternal work in progress’ – every now and then, he opens this box and tinkers with something. During live sets, he mixes regular releases, his own pieces, jams, audiobooks and spoken word, sometimes also using guitar picks in his sets to broaden the sonic spectrum. Brace yourselves for a psychedelic electronic adventure, in which the artist will very much be present!
Prague-based Radio Punctum has invited two acts which bridge dancefloor-oriented electronic music and experimental sounds, reflecting the broad spectrum of music the radio station champions. KLE-KLE come out guns blazing with music that is focused, mature, and irresistible. Blending breakneck IDM beats with elements of machine-dub and post-punk mutations, the EP maintains a captivating momentum, accentuated by dissonant washes and melodies that will tickle the reptilian part of your brain. Dead Janitor is the project of Slovakia (Košice) born producer and sound-bender Branislav Findrik. The sounds are described as unique genre-bending hypnotic polyrhythms of steel cold electronics, exploring notions hidden in the dark matter of colliding industrial percussion.
Radio Punctum and Gasoline Radio from Kyiv jointly present a programme of film, talks and live performance exploring the necessity of understanding how folklore traditions shape modern identities, particularly in resisting the far right’s appropriation of these aesthetics.

Gasoline’s ethno-geographical expedition in the Carpathian Mountains, exploring the folklore of the Hutsul region resulted in the documentary film titled ‘Spadok’ (‘Heritage’) about local traditions and music, as well as an album with a library of melodies and sounds – during the filming, the project’s authors recorded not only music but also ambient sounds. All together, it essentially documents the sound landscape of the Carpathians and establishes and captures a dialogue between the younger generation of artists and those who shaped traditional Ukrainian music. The film will be followed by a discussion deepening these themes and culminating in a performance by Nina Pixel, whose music contains field recordings and sound experiments with organic objects. Her inspiration comes from the deep forests of Slovakia, dark fairy tales and myths.
ORANGE 94.0 invites Terra Hinterleitner to host an interactive, radio-inspired workshop for local kids and youth. Playful, easy and fun, this accessible session reiterates how radio can be so much more than simply music and studio-interviews by inviting participants to explore the local surroundings of Wedding through sound experiments and field recording. Terra is a queer-feminist student of Urban Planning, who fell in love with radio a few years ago and is now part of different Freie Radios in the German-speaking context, learning and teaching about all kinds of audio styles, techniques and radio-shows. Terra aims to connect joy, activism and community through radio while also taking public space through the critical lens of independent media.
Taking place across 18 hours, experience this major international exchange in-person at silent green (Berlin) and PANKE. And on air via Cashmere Radio (or local FM 88.4 Berlin / 90.7 Potsdam) on October 4, 2024.
More info & tickets at: