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Sultan Hagavik – SAME PRZEBOJE

Published August, 2012
by Easterndaze

“One day in more than less unspecified circumstances we decided to play on mc players and it lasts until now.” In a succint, yet appropriate description in the Biography section on their Facebook profile, the Polish duo explains their raison d’etre. It is the age old story about ab/using the player as an instrument rather than a medium. Aside from a new tape on our beloved Sangoplasmo label, they also have another release out, Same Przeboje.

A spastic sonic collage, a fragmentary portrayal of their sonic state of mind, which is not dissimilar to Pierre Schaeffer’s music concrete experiments at the GRMC studios, or at times the BBC Radiophonic Workshop. Starting off with a conspicuous Rammstein extract, it is a mangled audio journey into lysergic sonic topographies, that only at first sight/sound, do not make sense, whilst the overall picture depicts a noisy, uber avant-guarde sonic machine that coos and attacks at the same time. 

But then there is the cover art, a collage of various almost clichéd Eastern European looking types, that recall images of turbofolk records from the nineties /although they probably haven’t changed much since/. An obviously self-ironic stance that deconstructs the seriousness of their sonic experiment.