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Victims of Truth: Romania’s sonic catharsis?

Published May, 2011
by Easterndaze

We’ve stumbled across the mysterious project from Romania on Soundcloud. Victims of Truth, as the project is called, incorporates the “word” communism in its geographical description. No website or any other directives are included, apart from a lengthy Wikipedia entry about communism. Eerie renditions of Socialist propaganda, children’s singalongs as well as cut ups Ceauşescu’s speech can be heard in their tracks. Considering Romania’s dark communist past, is Victims of Truth a catharsis of the young generation? 

The Reconstitution (2007) by VICTIMS OF TRUTH

We In 2000 (2008) by VICTIMS OF TRUTH

Last Speech (2010) by VICTIMS OF TRUTH

Black Is Beautiful (2011) by VICTIMS OF TRUTH

image: Wikimedia