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Mitos Micleusanu

Published October, 2010
by Easterndaze

We have finally returned from our action-packed East Europen audio journey and are already missing the wonderful people we met, the places we’ve seen. Our exploration of the sonic topography of this region doesn’t stop there, however. We are still hungry for interesting sounds. So keep it coming! Send us links, tracks, etc. 

Mitos Micleusanu’s email arrived in our inbox earlier this week. His dark, moody ambient music interspersed with Arabic influences hovers somewhere in the upper echelons of the consciousness. Mitos, who currently resides in Bucharest, but was born in Ukraine and spent his childhood in Bessarabia, is a musician, painter, photographer and a writer. Check out his works here:,,,  

Pneumaton – Popsychouse7 by easterndaze


Pneumaton – Fomin Kamceatka by easterndaze